Health Tips

Consume rich in carbohydrates:

1g of carbohydrate gives 4 calories per gram.
We must consume a good amount of carbohydrate for instant energy. Example, cereals, rice, legumes, dairy, fruits, sugars, fibre.
Eat different kinds of food:
For better health, we need to eat efficiently foods which can give more nutritional value. All the supplies should be consumed proportionately.
Example: Balanced diet
A low-fat dinner and high fat lunch give strength to our body.
Consume unsaturated fatty acid:
1g of fat gives 9 calories per gram.
As there is more PUFA (Polyunsaturated fatty acids) in oil, it's good for the diet. Unsaturation means where the Carbon-carbon has a double bond or triple bond. Fats are important for our body in a proportionate manner. If the fat consumption is too much it can affect heart problems (like cardiovascular problems) and weight problems. So, we must eat proportionately.
Use unsaturated fats rather than using a saturated one.
Eat fruits and vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables are having enough vitamins, minerals and fibre. We should eat fruits and vegetables regularly. Example, add fresh fruit juice at breakfast, an apple and a piece of watermelon, and a good portion of different vegetables at each meal.
Proportionately use salt and sugar consumption:
Consume the correct amount of salt and sugar in the diet.
A high salt consumption leads to high blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease. While buying salt check the iodized salt having lower sodium content.

Sugar provides sweet in taste, but sugary foods and drinks are rich in energy because of the carbohydrates. If possible, try to minimize sugars. We could use jaggery, fruits instead, of using sugars.
Sugary drinks like cold drinks containing soda are bad for our health, it can increase your acid content in the stomach. These sugary drinks have a high risk of obesity, heart-related problems, Type-II Diabetes and many problems.
Eat orange fruit rather than eating orange candy. Because fruits have antioxidant properties where these are good for our health.
Never skip meals:

Eating a good amount of food in a balanced formula gives better health. Never skip breakfast, eat breakfast in a good amount. If you skip breakfast, it affects your body. In breakfast drink milk, buttermilk or fruit juice eats eggs, eat fruits and vegetables, steam food, nuts etc.,
1g of protein= 4 calories per gram
1g of fat =9 calories per gram
1g of carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram
Drink water:
Adults need to drink at least 8 glasses or 1.5 litres minimum of water or more if the climate in summer and feeling very hot or when we are physically active. Drink water with a maximum gap of two hours. As you are hydrated, it leads to a healthy life, reduces fatigue, etc.,
Consume nuts:
Nuts are having good nutritional value because they have magnesium, Vitamin E, protein and other nutrients, and it's really to add in our daily diet especially morning. Example like peanuts, cashew nuts, almonds, etc.,

Nuts have the property to boost metabolism shows an increase in weight loss.
Avoid junk food:
Junk foods which are processed are unhealthy to our body. Since, many places they use the same oil, where the same oils are repeated used and it forms, radicals, superoxides which harmful to our body and can cause cancer. In junk foods, the add additives like few flavouring agents which promotes us to eat more and sometimes it may cause as addiction. This addition can cause more harm, like digestion problems, food poisoning, intestine problems, and many more.
Eat good and healthy meals like rice, grain food, etc., if you go outside like hotels, restaurants, etc.,
Eat cooked fish:
Fish is having high protein value and its good for our health. Especially, the fatty fish are healthy like salmon, having high omega-3 fatty acids. Prawns are one of the effective antioxidant properties have and it is also having a high nutritional value like high levels of zinc, which is important to develop a healthy immune system, helps build strong bones because they contain phosphorous, copper and magnesium.
Sleep well:
Having enough amount of sleep gives more satisfaction, and does the impacts work for the next day. It maintains physical and mental performances. So, a sufficient amount of sleep is mandatory to regulate your body well.
Eat Fibrous food:
As you consume more fibre foods, it removes our unnecessary body fats and makes sure as you consume the most amount of fibre drink a good amount of water because it reduces our constipation, acts as antioxidants, smoothens our intestine, encourages the friendly bacteria which is necessary to our body any many more. Examples: Oats, banana, mango, etc.,
Regular exercise and yoga/ meditation:
Do aerobic exercise which is good for cardio. Do exercise which encourages our body fitness and makes us active throughout the day. Yoga or meditation encourages us to keep us active, makes us more focused while doing work, gives mental relief, physically fit, mentally healthy and many more.
Consume plenty of herbs and spices:
There are many herbs and spices exist. Example, ginger, turmeric (having curcumin) has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So, consume more because it gives flavour as well as its healthy if we add to our daily diet.
Make sure that you don't consume cigarettes, alcohols because it leads our body damage.
All the nutrients are healthy, but only if we consume proportionately, whether its carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc. and focus your diet well.



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